Poverty, gender-based violence, early marriage and limited participation in political and public life are some of the hardships women and girls face in Burkina Faso. The country has a child marriage prevalence rate of 52% and 76% of women and girls aged 15 to 49 have undergone Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Despite positive actions taken by the Burkinabe government, the influence of traditions and culture is still important and continues to weigh on women and girls. Women representation in the Burkinabe parliament is only 11%.
Crossroads areas of intervention:
Coalition Burkinabé pour les Droits de la femme (CBDF)
CBDF is a network of 15 NGOs and associations with a diversity of skills and the common goal of improving women’s rights. CBDF works on promoting equality between men and women, defending women’s effective participation in politics and fighting against gender-based violence. Crossroads International and the CBDF main area of collaboration is preventing girls’ forced and early marriages.
ASMADE (Association Songui Manégré /Aide au Développement Endogène)
Since 1994, this organization has been committed to the well-being of the populations in Burkina Faso and works directly with 105 grassroots community organizations and 4 networks in catering and processing, agriculture, mutualists in rural and urban areas, with in and out-of-school youth and populations between 14 and 65 years old, especially women and children. Crossroads works with ASMADE since 2020 to improve access to justice and rights in matters of sexual and reproductive health, and reduce gender-based violence, to strengthen the leadership and political representation of women and girls, to increase women’s economic power and increasing women’s resilience to climate change and environmental sustainability.
GIP-PNVB (Groupement d’Interêt Public – Programme National de Volontariat)
The Group was created in 2006 with the mission of enhancing, promoting and developing voluntary engagement in Burkina Faso, structuring and managing the development of national volunteering in order to effectively contribute to national development. Crossorads works with GIP-PNVB since 2020 to strengthen the leadership and political representation of women and girls, to increase the economic power of women and youth, and to increase women’s resilience to climate change and environmental sustainability.