Crossroads in the News
- The Hamilton Spectator
- The Peterborough Examiner
- The Niagara Falls Review
- The Waterloo Region Record
- The St. Catharines Standard
- La directrice de l’ONG Carrefour International, Mme Christine Messier chez le Premier ministre
- Sauter à pieds joints dans l’expérience du volontariat
- You can get international volunteer experience with these current openings I Curiocity
- Des protections menstruelles pour toutes | Le Devoir
- Journée Internationale des droits des femmes
- Carrefour International œuvre pour l’égalité des genres (le régional)
- Carrefour International: missionnaire pour les droits de la femme
- Répondre aux besoins urgents des femmes et des filles au Ghana
- En photos | Quand la solidarité redore la fierté des populations
- Renforcer le leadership des femmes isolées, de la Colombie au Togo
- Parliament must return to work on behalf of girls around the world
- Given the chance, women can lead African economic recovery:
- International co-operation breeds global citizenship
- Des projets pour améliorer la santé des femmes en Afrique subsaharienne
- We must recommit our support of international development
- HEATHER SHAPTER: Canada should help the world’s most vulnerable girls overcome the pandemic and its effects
- HEATHER SHAPTER: Canadians can help as COVID lockdowns further imperil girls in global South
- Slaight family donates $15 million to fund healthcare and education for impoverished women, girls
- MICHAEL FEKETE: Volunteering to build a better world can be an antidote to despair
- Soutenir la résilience des femmes, une goutte à la fois
- Reusable Sanitary Pad to Change Schoolgirls’ lives
- Canada must invest in the world’s most vulnerable girls
- HEATHER SHAPTER: Girls in global South need Canadian aid more than ever
- HEATHER SHAPTER: Girls in global South need Canadian aid more than ever
- Intervention à Radio Centre Ville 102.3FM
- Heather Shapter Joins Crossroads International as Executive Director
- Crossroads International congratulates Honourable Maryam Monsef on her appointment as International Development Minister
- TGNP Starts Economic Projects to Fight FGM in Tarime
- COMMENTARY: How Canada can allay ill-effects of climate change for women in Global South
- What Parliamentarians should know about Canada’s contribution
- Bathurst-born BBC correspondent Lyse Doucet ‘overwhelmed’ by Order of Canada appointment
- ‘Yesterday was International Volunteer Day, and today I am delighted to celebrate the work of Crossroads International’ – MP Robert Oliphant
- ‘Crossroads International links volunteers with local partners who advocate for thousands of girls and women. ‘ – MP Robert Oliphant
- Crossroads International celebrates International Volunteer Day with a call for Canadians to embrace their global citizenship
- WiLDAF Ghana and partners empower girls to be self-sufficient
- Sierra Nallo: Memo to my fellow millennials – don the responsibility of your global citizenship
- Giving girls in the global South a fighting chance
- Taking the law into their own hands: citizen in the South are strengthening access to justice for women, and Canada must support them
- Favoriser l’entrepreneuriat au féminin
- Government urged to implement Domestic Violence Act
- Celebrating and sustaining Canadian engagement in international development
- Why Day of the Girl should matter to Canadians
- Scarborough resident empowers women in Africa through jewelry business communication
- Les droits des femmes, à protéger plus que jamais
- Councillor in Saint-Anicet and advisor in Africa
Crossroads News Releases
- The Slaight Family Foundation funds Crossroads to advance sexual and reproductive rights for vulnerable youth in Senegal
- Volunteers with Crossroads International are showing the world how to “Go for the Goals” as Canada celebrates International Development Week
- 2018 UN Human Rights Prize Recipient Rebeca Gyumi to headline the 8th annual Day of the Girl breakfast
- Crossroads International welcomes new Executive Director Heather Shapter
- Crossroads International congratulates Honourable Maryam Monsef on her appointment as International Development Minister
- Crossroads International celebrates International Volunteer Day with a call for Canadians to embrace their global citizenship
- Crossroads International recognizes Day of the Girl with call for more awareness and action
- Crossroads International announces 2018 Karen Takacs Women’s Leadership Fund grant recipient
- Crossroads International receives over $732 000 to fund a project in Senegal
- Women’s rights activist Dr. Vivian Pender to speak at Crossroads International’s Day of the Girl fundraising breakfast October 5th
- Crossroads International welcomes Canada’s new Feminist International Assistance Policy
- Crossroads International to celebrate volunteer cooperation and call for #MoreCanada as country marks International Development Week
- Crossroads International’s Carine Guidicelli to speak at Ottawa Women’s March January 21st
For media inquiries, please contact
Francette Maquito