Tanzania is one of the fastest growing economies in Sub-Saharan Africa. Despite the economic and governance progress, almost 33.6% of the population are below the basic needs poverty line, as are 24.5% of female headed households. Discrimination, abuse and violence against women and girls is wide-spread and common in Tanzania due to patriarchal and traditional norms. Two out of five women between 15 and 49 have experienced physical violence. One out of ten women aged 15 to 49 years have experienced forced sexual intercourse against their will.
Crossroads areas of intervention:
KWIECO is a human rights and gender organization focused on achieving a society that respects equal rights through education and the provision of access to justice and economic empowerment for women and marginalized population sectors. Its main programs include legal human rights and gender education, legal counseling, litigation, lobbying and advocacy, women’s economic empowerment and social support to survivors of gender-based violence and child abuse. KWIECO has a shelter project for women fleeing abuse. Crossroads International work with KWIECO on access to justice, gender-based violence prevention and women’s economic empowerment programs since 2015. In 2016 Crossroads International launched a partnership with Ernestine’s Women’s Shelter in Toronto to support KWIECO’s shelter institutional and programming capacity in assisting women and children fleeing violence.
TGNP Mtandao is a leading gender organization in Tanzania. Their goal is to increase the engagement of grassroots women and other marginalized groups in their mission to build a feminist movement for social and gender transformation. Established in 1993, as a liaison between the grassroots population and policy makers, they aim to transform Tanzania society to achieve gender equality, women’s empowerment and social justice. TGNP has made substantial contributions stimulating public debate and activism on policy and other social issues affecting women and marginalized social groups. Crossroads International’s partnership with TGNP is focused on women’s leadership and economic empowerment programs.