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Your gift today for a better tomorrow!

In this time of crisis with the COVID-19 pandemic, we are reminded of how interconnected we are. Diseases know no borders. Only by ensuring the well-being of the most vulnerable, can we preserve our own.

COVID-19 has many of us reflecting on what is truly important to us in life and the legacy we want to leave. Not surprisingly we are noting with gratitude the gifts we have in our family and friends. Many are taking steps to ensure the well-being of those they care about.

Preparing a will or updating one you already have is easy to put off. We always seem to have other priorities, but if we have learned something, especially with COVID-19, it is that we can never be too prepared. A gift in your will is one of the simplest and most powerful ways to support a charity you care about. You can name a specific amount or a percentage of what is left after you name gifts to family and friends in your will.

If you don’t have a will, however, you lose control of what happens to your assets. Think of the potential for good that a gift in your will could have. Then, speak with a legal expert and get the conversation started.

We understand that making a planned gift is a deeply personal and thoughtful decision so it is important to have trust that your gift will be used for the greatest impact. Crossroads International is committed to overcoming poverty and ensuring the rights of women and girls are fulfilled.


Marli Ramsey is a former board member and longtime supporter who decided to include a gift in her will to support Crossroads International.

“When I think of Crossroads International, I think of the things that most of us here in Canada take for granted: clean water, education, food security, and human rights. These are things that women and girls in Africa have to fight for every day. And Crossroads is there to help.

I saw it first hand: women using sustainable farming practices to participate in the economy, children talking about their right to an education, to be heard, and be loved; women helping other women to access the justice system; and women and girls, freed from violence, following their dreams of an education.

Crossroads does great work. For her. With her. By her. I am pleased to stand with Crossroads through my legacy gift”.


A gift in your will to Crossroads International, will ensure that your values continue long after you are gone. This gift could have a profound impact for generations to come and help Crossroads achieve its mission to build a better world for women and girls.


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