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A Legacy Gift Has a Profound Impact For Generations To Come

May is Leave a Legacy month in Canada. In these difficult times, a gift in your Will is more important than ever.

Each year, thousands of philanthropic Canadians leave a portion of their assets in their Wills to support all types of good causes. Such gifts help people fulfill their charitable dreams and wishes. They can also generate significant tax benefits for one’s estate. A gift in your Will to Crossroads International is one of the most powerful and lasting ways to reduce poverty and advance the rights of women and girls. It allows you to make a difference for generations to come. That’s why we are asking you to please remember Crossroads with your own legacy gift.


You may direct your future gift to any area of Crossroads International’s work you like. Alternatively, you may allow us to direct your gift to where the need, and impact, is greatest at the time. Opportunities abound and there is one that is just right for you

Darlene Bessey is a former board member and longtime supporter who included a gift in her Will to support Crossroads International.

In 1974, I volunteered in India for 4 months with Crossroads International. What an impact that experience had on my life! When I returned home, my commitment to local and international development was reconfirmed.

“I also knew my association with Crossroads would continue and so it has.  I’ve been a member of the Board of Directors, with my husband Ken and daughter Zoe, an annual donor and have made it my life’s work to advocate both professionally and as a volunteer for women’s rights and the elimination of poverty.

Crossroads bases its engagement with partner organizations on a philosophy of respect and the desire to understand needs from a local perspective. It works creatively to develop initiatives for women and children to prevent violence and abuse, to create collective enterprises and small businesses that provide sustainable incomes and better food security, and to empower women to become effective community leaders

Crossroads makes a real and lasting impact on lives in developing countries and we want that to continue. It’s why Ken and I have happily left a gift in our Wills to support Crossroads International.”

A gift of any amount in your Will would make a tangible, meaningful difference to Crossroads International. A bequest could be a truly powerful gift that may not be financially possible during your lifetime. After providing for your loved ones, choosing to include Crossroads in your Will is simply a good thing to do.

If you are considering a legacy gift, do speak with your professional advisors. If you have remembered Crossroads in your estate plans, thank you for letting us know. We can partner with you to establish or confirm how you would like your future gift used, explain tax benefits for your estate, thank you personally and offer you recognition, or not. The choice is yours.

We are here to help.  Please contact Wanjiro Ndungu, Manager, Philanthropy by email at or by telephone at 416-835-9493. Please help us build a better future. Remember Crossroads International with a legacy gift. 

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