Equality Matters


As we all do our best to stay warm and engaged during another Canadian winter, the month of February offers us two important occasions to celebrate diversity and continue our work to advance equality for all.


February is Black History Month, celebrated in Canada and around the world. This year’s theme is “February and Forever: Celebrating Black History today and every day” and focuses on recognizing the daily contributions that Black Canadians make to Canada. 

Crossroads International is joining in the celebration of Black History Month. We honour the legacy and the contribution of Black Canadians to Canada’s history and culture. Black communities in Canada have played a tremendous role in all parts of our society; they have and continue to impact areas such as education, medicine, art, culture, business, sports, public service, economic development, politics and human rights.  

This year’s theme is a reminder of the importance of acknowledging the accomplishments of Black communities yesterday, today, and tomorrow. This month on social media, we will share meaningful work and words from our community of Crossroaders to acknowledge the contributions of Black communities and will continue to do so after the month of February.


International Development Week also takes place this month (from February 6th to February 12th) and is an opportune time to talk about the important contribution Canadians can and do make toward international cooperation and development. This year, the focus of International Development Week echoes a global push to step up efforts to achieve the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals. These are ambitious but achievable goals centered on justice and equity, including ending poverty, creating true gender equality and access to health care, education, and the elimination of environmental degradation.

International Development Week is an event we have long supported, and it is an important moment to recognize and thank our incredible community of volunteers and Crossroaders. From remote volunteers to Board and committee members to international volunteers and petition signatories, these are Gender Equality Champions that are making, or have made, a difference in the lives of their fellow global citizens. 

The federal government is encouraging Canadians to participate via a range of actions in its #GoForTheGoals campaign. Here at Crossroads, we also invite you to commit to becoming an advocate for global change by signing the Crossroader Commitment.


Recent events throughout the country are a great catalyst and reminder that Canada must always stand against hate. If we want to see expanded rights for women in the South and greater tolerance for all, we must set the right example at home.

As an inclusive organization founded by a Black civil rights activist, Dr. James Robinson, our mission since 1958 is to advance equality and build an inclusive world without discrimination in any type or form. This is why it is mandatory for us to use our voice. In the same spirit as our founder, we stand against hate and racism and work to advance gender equality. Together, let us move forward with a shared goal of building a just, equitable, and peaceful world.

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